

I have a hard time with people who have no respect.
Just throwin that out there.

I mean, really, guys? You're not the only person on the planet.

Ok, venting over.

We watched a movie in science that had nothing to do with anything biology-related at all. And the animation hurt my eyes. But it was a good movie, nonetheless, and I now have a strange desire to go plant a bunch of trees everywhere. It'll make somebody happy.

I've never felt like crying for so many different reasons all at once before. Because sometimes people are just mean. I'm sure most of them aren't trying to be mean, but...life's not fair. Because sometimes people blow you off. Or act like your feelings don't matter. Sometimes you try to be professional and responsible about something and the other person just doesn't show up. Sometimes you really need someone you love to just listen to you, but then they're "too busy" with something that doesn't seem that important. Sometimes you're going to miss someone more than words can describe. Sometimes someone says something so touching and wonderful and true that you feel like bawling your eyes out. Sometimes you want so badly to tell somebody something so important that you feel like bursting, but then you just can't get it out.

And those are the many reasons I feel like crying today.

Color: Gray
Song: Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade
Favorite: Sweatpants
Food: Tang (ok, that's a drink)
Wish: I was somewhere else for a while
Word: Follow-through

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